Mobility Clinic

Mikinah Browne, a Junior at Imbler High School, has chosen to host a youth speed and mobility clinic for 4th-8th graders as part of her Senior Project. This will be an active day filled with learning about healthy training for proper running form, mobility exercises, and stretching. This event is accommodating for all athletes to gain knowledge for themselves about their bodies, however, this does have a track-based training method. The clinic

will cover hip mobility hurdle drills, sprinters drills, and a dynamic warm-up and cool-down. While these are typically viewed as track drills, every athlete must be able to move their bodies comfortably, with flexibility, and with proper form. These movements provide support for all competitors to move the way their sport demands them to.

As young athletes, it is very important to know how to care for your bodies. Careless injuries due to improper training, warm-ups, cool-downs, or stretching are far too common in high school athletics.

Learning at a young age how to manage your body can save heartache for the future. The goal is to teach each attendee how to keep themselves safe and healthy through their sports career. They will have the opportunity to learn what activities will benefit them most based on age and skill level.

There is no cost to this event, however, we are kindly asking for donations to the Imbler Community Track Fund! Please make checks out to “Imbler Education Foundation” or cash donations will also be accepted. If you choose to donate, payments can be made at the check-in of the event. If you have any questions or concerns about this event please contact Mikinah at (541)-910-4883 or email her at

If you are signing up for this event through the Google Form (below), you MUST check in your athlete the day of the event to fill out required release forms.

Registration Form